Médecin Esthétique Genève | Dr Yoel ELBAZ

Dr ELBAZ Yoël | Aesthetic Doctor Geneva
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Aesthetic Medicine Geneva

Aesthetic Doctor Geneva

Dr Elbaz Yoël à son bureau, vous accueil au centre BOTEALIS

Aesthetic Medicine in Geneva ACCESSIBLE!

Today, aesthetic medicine is being democratized and allows everyone to enjoy themselves, to take care of themselves, to maintain and maintain their physical appearance without having to be involved in long, binding and costly treatments.

Strong of this principle, simplicity efficiency and security, Dr Yoel ELBAZ, Doctor in Medicine, graduated of Aesthetic Medicine and Anti Age, has practiced aesthetic medicine since 2008. Bénéficiez des techniques éprouvées de la médecine esthétique pour un rajeunissement subtil et naturel grâce aux traitements anti-âge : botox®, acide hyaluronique, peelings, PRP, lasers, mésothérapie, micro-needling, fils crantés résorbables, LED, cryolipolyse et lipolyse Laser. S’appuyant sur son expertise et son expérience, le Docteur ELBAZ Médecin esthétique à Genève, au centre Botealis apportera la bonne réponse à votre demande.

Acide Hyaluronique & Botox accéssibles ?

Prices & prices doctor aesthetic Geneva

Prix/couts des interventions du médecin esthétique

Find all the prices and prices for injections and interventions in Geneva in aesthetic medicine, by Dr. Yoël Elbaz aesthetic doctor Geneva.


Acide hyaluronique, botox, mésolift, microneedling, peelings, lasers.

Aesthetic medicine treatments in Geneva

Multiple techniques which can often be combined.

Injections :


Acide Hyaluronique ou fillers


Platelet-Rich-Plasma or PRP

Light :

YAG & KTP Lasers


External Lipolaser Diodes

Medical Peelings :

Soft medical Peelings

Medium Peelings

Other treatments :

Micro needling


Thread lift using dissolvable threads

The majority of these aesthetic treatments do not interfere with one’s social or professional activities, enabling one to return to the office or other social demands the same day.
A comprehensive approach, highly personalized treatments, and an extensive choice of well-suited treatments used for embellishing both the face and body, with attractive fees.
Clear and precise information for all treatments and products used are provided, including a preliminary cost estimate with rigorous medical consultation.
These are our commitments for aesthetic treatments which will satisfy you to no end !

For more information please visit : www.botealis.ch

Customized aesthetic treatments Geneva

A comprehensive approach

Facial solutions for the body and the figure as well as tariffs studied

Clear and precise information for all treatments and products used are provided, including a preliminary cost estimate with rigorous medical consultation !

A philosophy

Successful results !

All his medical procedures rely on the following principles.

All his medical procedures rely on the following principles: applying the most suitable treatment according to your specific needs in order to attain compelling results; ensuring a subtle and natural looking rejuvenation without excessive use of treatments
Pas de sur-traitements, car dans ce domaine le moins est souvent le mieux et conditionne un résultat esthétique naturel.

Furthermore, proper management of operational costs enables us to provide high-quality treatments, in addition to using advanced medical products from world-class laboratories, always at the best price !

Every medical consultation is carried out with the best of care, a precise cost-estimate, pictures, product traceability, and a meticulous follow-up of the treatment. Above all, everything is managed to ensure that you’re entirely satisfied with the results of your treatment.


Dr. Yöel ELBAZ
Cabinet de Médecine Esthétique à Genève du Dr Yöel ELBAZ.


rue du Conseil-Général 10, 1205 Genève, Suisse

+41 22 347 44 82


Mail - medecinesthetiquegeneve@yoelelbaz.ch




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Médecin Esthétique Genève | Dr Yoel ELBAZ Médecin Esthétique Genève | Dr Yoel ELBAZ

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